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Healthy-Pet has two brands: ökocat (cat litter) and Carefresh (small pet bedding).
They were running Sponsored Product campaigns that focused on some strong keywords, but the campaigns weren't very organized and didn't perform well.
Nectar's PPC team took over the brands and immediately noticed that campaigns didn't perform due to campaigns not being separated by branded and unbranded terms, not having strong product targeting, and not having a wide array of terms to reach a wider shopping audience.
This caused some wasted spend with higher advertising cost of spend (ACOS), and prevented the brands from scaling opportunities.
Nectar was able to better organize their products and keywords to make their Sponsored Product campaigns flourish while tapping into broader advertising strategies.
Internal software and keyword research tools were used which allowed the PPC team to add more relevant keywords and product targets.
This helped the brands reach a wider audience and increased sales from avenues that weren't previously used.
For ökocat, Nectar's new PPC strategies were applied just in time when products were restocked with Amazon, which helped improve profitability.
ROAS increased 112% within 2-weeks for ökocat and 146% within 4-Weeks for Carefresh.
These images show examples of how a review and refresh are needed for advertising campaigns to help scale a brand.Your advertising strategy also needs a refresh to scale even higher.
Allow us to review your campaigns and keywords to identify areas of improvement.
Utilizing data-driven insights to boost sales performance and optimize budget allocation for maximum ROI.
ExploreCreating an ad strategy and content for peak season with limited time after transitioning from another agency.
ExploreUsing Amazon's Demand Side Platform to drive sales and a significant lasting increase in ROAS.
ExploreUsing top notch video content for sponsored brand video to drive sales and new-to-brand customers.